Felon in Possession Defense Attorney

Unlawful Possession Defense Lawyers. After a person is convicted of a felony, certain restrictions are placed on their ability to purchase, use, and possess weapons. When a convicted felon is found to be in possession of a restricted weapon or ammunition, he or she may be charged with unlawful possession of a weapon. This is a felony charge and conviction can mean jail time. If you have been accused of illegally possessing a restricted weapon, you need the trustworthy and honest felony possession lawyers of Flanagan & Peel, PC, to defend you in court.
A properly prepared criminal defense can protect your freedom in the wake of unlawful possession charges. The attorneys at the law office of Flanagan & Peel, PC, will work hard to prepare a strong defense for your felony possession case. We have experience defending clients in complex and often confusing cases in federal courtrooms. Our team of felon in possession defense lawyers can assist you in choosing the best options in regards to your case and can provide trustworthy and legal counsel. Protect your freedom by choosing Flanagan & Peel, PC, to represent you in your felony possession case.
Felony Possession Attorneys
Being accused of illegally possessing a weapon can turn into jail time if you are convicted. Choosing the right lawyer to represent you in your criminal defense can make a significant difference in your sentencing. The felon in possession attorneys of Flanagan & Peel, PC, can provide you with the best defense to maintain your freedom. We focus on honesty so our clients always have all of the information regarding their felony possession case. It is our priority to serve our clients with their best interests in mind.
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